JSON Validator
Automate JSON validation in Unreal Engine with generated schemas.
Case Study
We created the JSON Validator plugin to simplify JSON validation in Unreal Engine.
It can be tiresome to have to verify every single field exists in the correct location and contains the correct type when dealing with JSON data. The JSON Validator plugin handles this process automatically, making JSON validation effortless.
What the JSON Validator does for you.
The purpose of the JSON Validator is twofold. First, it creates JSON Schemas inside of the engine based on a provided JSON file. Second, it verifies JSON strings against a given schema at runtime. The JSON Validator does all the hard work for you and tells you whether the JSON is valid, so you can safely access any fields without worrying about missing data, incorrect locations, or wrong data types.
Easily adapt to changing requirements.
When your JSON format needs to change, simply regenerate the JSON Schema asset in the editor and you’re good to go—no need to modify any code to account for these changes.
Key Features
Easily create JSON Schemas, and verify JSONs against those schemas.
No coding or external tools are required, everything is available in the editor and is blueprint exposed.